A template presentation

so much fun

SWC Neuroinformatics Unit


Some example slides - also look at example RevealJS slides in the Quarto docs

  • Non-executable and executable code-blocks
  • bullet points with highlighting
  • two-column slides
  • how to include a slide from a separate MD file
  • preview and link to a webpage

Just a code block, nothing gets executed…

… but there is some fancy highlighting

from pathlib import Path

home_path = Path.home()
if home_path.exists():
  data_path = home_path / "data"
  # raise some error maybe?

A code block that’s actually executed at render-time

from pathlib import Path

print("Hello world")
Hello world

You can execute code without showing that you have by using #|echo: false

Hello world

A slide imported from outside the qmd

This will become an example about how to use a common slide deck for the group.

An example image

Include an image: