Video-based analysis of animal behaviour

SWC/GCNU Neuroinformatics Unit

Niko Sirmpilatze, Chang Huan Lo, Sofía Miñano


Neuroinformatics Unit (NIU)

Niko Sirmpilatze

Chang Huan Lo

Sofía Miñano

Course materials


Schedule: morning

Time Topic Goals
10:00 - 10:20 Welcome Introductions, troubleshooting
10:20 - 11:00 Theory: Quantifying Behaviour What is behaviour, detection & tracking, pose estimation
11:00 - 12:00 Practice: SLEAP I Label data, train models
12:00 - 12:15 Coffee Break
12:15 - 13:00 Practice: SLEAP II Evaluate models, run inference
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch break

Schedule: afternoon

Time Topic Goals
14:00 - 15:45 Practice: movement Load pose tracks into Python, clean and visualise data, compute kinematics
15:45 - 16:00 Coffee break
16:00 - 16:30 Theory: From behaviour to actions Approaches to action segmentation
16:15 - 17:30 Demo: Keypoint-MoSeq Extract behavioural syllables

Install software requirements

You were asked to pre-install two conda environments for the practical exercises. Check that you have them installed:

$ conda env list

If you don’t have them, you can create them as follows:

  1. SLEAP: Use the conda package method from the SLEAP installation guide.
  2. Keypoint-MoSeq: Use the recommended conda installation method.

Theory: Quantifying Behaviour

What is behaviour?

Answer on mentimeter

Defining behaviour

The total movements made by the intact animal

Tinbergen, 1955

Behavior is the internally coordinated responses (actions or inactions) of whole living organisms (individuals or groups) to internal and/or external stimuli, excluding responses more easily understood as developmental changes

Levitis et al., 2009

Why does neuroscience need behaviour?

Answer on mentimeter

Neuroscience needs behaviour 1/2

…detailed examination of brain parts or their selective perturbation is not sufficient to understand how the brain generates behavior

…it is very hard to infer the mapping between the behavior of a system and its lower-level properties by only looking at the lower-level properties

The behavioral work needs to be as fine-grained as work at the neural level. Otherwise one is imperiled by a granularity mismatch between levels…

Neuroscience needs behaviour 2/2

The Datta lab embraces the perspective of the ethologists: if we are to understand how the brain works, we need to think about the actual problems it evolved to solve. Addressing this challenge means studying natural behavior — the kinds of behaviors generated by animals when they are free to act on their own internally-generated goals without physical or psychological restraint…really, the kinds of behaviors you see when you watch lions in the wild, mice in a home cage, or humans at the mall. Importantly, when one observes animals expressing spontaneous, self-generated behavior, it is clear that much of what they are doing is exploring the world — using movement to sense what is out there, and taking advantage of sensation to inform future movements. Answering the question — how does the brain give rise to natural behavior? — therefore requires understanding how sensory and motor systems are usefully intertwined to support cognition.

Quantifying behaviour: ethogram

Ethogram: a list of typical behaviours performed by an animal, including when and how often they occur

Time after start (min) Foraging Eating Grooming
0:30 0 0 1
1:00 0 0 1
1:30 1 0 0
2:00 0 1 0

Crab ethogram example

  Parent category Instantaneous behaviour definition
0 locomotion foraging Foraging for detritus and small organisms on mudflats or in shallow waters. Dactyl(s) is moving towards the mouth.
1 resting burrowing The crab is observed resting in its burrow. There are no conspecific interactions.
2 locomotion? entering burrow Actively entering an uninhabited burrow.
3 locomotion? exiting burrow Actively exiting a burrow.
4 locomotion? maintaining burrow Digging and excavating burrows, carrying sediment to/from the burrow entrance.

Crab ethogram data collection

  video file tide category present population selected observation period start real time observation minute from start crab ID sex instantaneous behaviour
0 tub2023-04-23T08_00_00.avi high 25 20:34 20:35 1.000000 52 m shoreline resting
1 tub2023-04-23T08_00_00.avi high 25 20:34 20:35 1.000000 68 f burrowing
2 tub2023-04-23T08_00_00.avi high 25 20:34 20:36 2.000000 52 m shoreline resting
3 tub2023-04-23T08_00_00.avi high 25 20:34 20:36 2.000000 68 f burrowing

Quantifying behaviour: modern



Pose estimation

  • “easy” in humans - vast amounts of data
  • “harder” in animals - less data, more variability

Pose estimation software

DeepLabCut: transfer learning

SLEAP:smaller networks


These handle pose estimation (detection) and tracking of single/multiple animals.

Poll: are you familiar with pose estimation?

Answer on mentimeter

Multi-animal part grouping

Top-down vs bottom-up

Multi-animal identity tracking

3D pose estimation

Practice: SLEAP I

Which mouse is more anxious?

Click here to post your answers



The Elevated Plus Maze

  • Structure: 2 open arms, 2 closed arms, central area
  • Exploits rodents’ natural aversion to open spaces and height
  • Less anxious animals spend more time in open arms

Task: quantify time spent in open arms / closed arms

The dataset

$ cd behav-analysis-course

└── mouse-EPM
    ├── derivatives
    └── rawdata

$ cd mouse-EPM/rawdata

├── sub-01_ses-01_task-EPM_time-165049_video.mp4
└── sub-02_ses-01_task-EPM_time-185651_video.mp4

The SLEAP workflow

Create a new project

Define a skeleton

Source Destination
snout left_ear
snout right_ear
snout centre
left_ear centre
right_ear centre
centre tail_base
tail_base tail_end

Save the project right after defining the skeleton!

Generate labeling suggestions

Label initial ~20 frames

Start a training job 1/3

Start a training job 2/3

Start a training job 3/3

Monitor training progress

Coffee break ☕

Practice: SLEAP II

Evaluate trained models

Run inference on new frames

Using SLEAP on the HPC cluster

Predictions in the sample dataset

$ cd behav-analysis-course/mouse-EPM/derivatives

├── software-DLC_predictions
├── software-SLEAP_project
    └── predictions
  • Different pose estimation software produce predictions in different formats.
  • Different workflows are needed for importing predicted poses into Python for further analysis.

What happens after pose tracking?

  • Load data into Python
  • Visualise and inspect data
  • Clean trajectories:
    • Identify and drop outliers
    • Smooth trajectories
    • Interpolate over missing data
  • Compute variables of interest:
    • Velocity, acceleration, heading, etc.
    • Distances/angles between body parts
    • Time spent in different regions
    • Application-specific: navigation, social interactions, gait analysis

Lunch break 🍽

Practice: movement


A Python toolbox for analysing body movements across space and time, to aid the study of animal behaviour in neuroscience.

The movement poses dataset

The movement bboxes dataset

Time to play 🛝 with movement

In a terminal, clone the course repository and go to the notebooks directory:

git clone
cd course-behavioural-analysis/notebooks

Create a new conda environment and install required packages:

conda create -n epm-analysis -c conda-forge python=3.11 pip pytables
conda activate epm-analysis
pip install -r EPM_analysis_requirements.txt

Once all requirements are installed, you can:

  • open the EPM_analysis.ipynb notebook
  • select the environment epm-analysis as the kernel

We will go through the notebook step-by-step, together.

Which mouse was more anxious?

This time, with numbers!

Answer on mentimeter

Coffee break ☕

Theory: From behaviour to actions

Discretising the continuous 1/2

Discretising the continuous 2/2

Supervised vs unsupervised tools

Supervised Unsupervised
SimBA MotionMapper
DeepEthogram MoSeq (depth- or keypoint-)
JAX Animal Behavior System B-SOID

Problems with supervised methods

Answer on mentimeter

Problems with unsupervised methods

Answer on mentimeter

Demo: Keypoint-MoSeq

Motion Sequencing

Depth video recordings


  • Timescale is controlled by the kappa parameter
  • Higher kappa > higher P(self-transition) > “stickier” states > longer syllables


Can we apply MoSeq to keypoint data (predicted poses)?

Problems with keypoint data

  • Keypoint noise leads to artifactual syllables
  • We should somehow isolate true pose from noise
  • But smoothing also blurs syllable boundaries

Solution: a more complex model

Switching Linear Dynamical System (SLDS): combine noise-removal and action segmentation in a single probabilistic model

Keypoint-MoSeq drawbacks

  • probabilistic output
    • stochasticity of output syllables
    • must fit ensemble of models and take a “consensus”
  • limited to describing behaviour at a single time-scale
    • but can be adapted by tuning kappa
  • may miss rare behaviours (not often seen in training data)

Let’s look at some syllables

We’ve trained a keypoint-MoSeq model on 10 videos from the (EPM) dataset.

├── derivatives
   └── software-kptmoseq_n-10_project
└── rawdata

Time to play 🛝 with Keypoint-MoSeq

We will use the trained model to extract syllables from a new video.

  • Navigate to the same repository you cloned earlier cd course-behavioural-analysis/notebooks
  • open the EPM_syllables.ipynb notebook
  • select the environment keypoint_moseq as the kernel

We will go through the notebook step-by-step, together.


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